I have never been dedicated to a specific artist before, but everything this young man creates is just wonderful! I am in awe almost every time he posts something new. I am 47, soon to be 48. I just started knitting in 06, just before my father died in March. I taught myself with library time and a simple DVD.
I am as enamored with all things wool myself, as he is, but I hope one day to attain this young man's level of talent only after many years of serious study. By study, I mean, actually doing the knitting, not his years of study to get a degree in his craft.
I'm so happy he's a young man, this means that I'll probably die before he is 9/10's of the way through with his career. This translates to my never (as long as I live and am capable of doing so) running out of beautiful new challenges to tackle.
My favorite Author wass Ann McCaffrey and she started publishing in the year I was born (1961). I did not discover her until I was Active Duty and in the Air Force, in my early 20's. Now she has turned the reins over to her son, Donald, I believe. He is quite good and his style is very similar to his Mother's so it was an easy transition, but there was a moment of panic when I realized she was going to "retire".
When I find a something/one that is so good, I am dedicated and stick with it. Hey, if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it!
Now you can see why I am so glad that Jared is a young man. Probably my son's age or a little younger. (27 or so)
I look forward to many years of bliss in his talented mind's work.
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