This is the sweater I'm working my fingers off on at the time. The DANG thing is very simple, but on smaller needles and I just moved!
I'm in a slightly lower income bracket that my beloved Jared Flood, the creator, so I'm using Lion Brand Yarn, Fishermen's Wood with natural oils. Mine is in Maple Tweed and really soft.
I too have a "thing for wool" It's kind of amazing that I do because while I was active duty as part of the uniform, on the flight line, in the winter, a wool sweater was required. I scratched myself until I left bruises some nights because it was so course. I have since fallen in love with a much more refined version of it!
If you frequent this site you may notice that most of my project are for my Son. I have a beautiful Daughter with a husband and children. She use to be a recipiant of my crafts, but alas has decided that she would rather have store bought items. To be fair, she did suffer through a few ill fitting garments before I got good at my craft.
She wore some really nice stuff that I sewed for her but she was much younger and didn't appreciate them. The last item I made for her was a Crocheted shrug. It was really pretty and the softest yarn, Caron, a shade of pink she loves, but the sleeves were a couple inches too long, as I was in TN at the time and she was at home. She dosen't even know where it is now :s
Oh well, more sweaters for my Son. His first sweater took me a year to make! Probably because I made it of washable wool and that stuff is expensive! I also designed it myself. The sleeves were too long on it too, but it was on purpose because he use to stick his thumbs through the cuffs of all of his sweaters (cut wholes) so I put them in, instead of him "putting" them in. lol
He said when he got the package he opened it and put it on and left it on all winter with the Cordiroy coat I'd made and already sent. That was lined with quilting I made to keep him warm. I couldn't afford to go buy a coat for him and he really needed one so I went to Wal-Mart and bought the material off of the dicount material shelf, $20 compared to $100. He LOVED IT! It was his first year at college and it snowed up there! He said all of his friends wanted me to make one for them. I used the "Matrix" costume coat pattern. Wh0 knew?
Ok, enough rambling, gotta get back to putting the crafting room in some semblence of order so I can clean the living room. I pulled all of the boxes that were cramed into my crafting room when we moved in and put them in the living room so I could set up the Craft Room, :-D .