My little corner in which I knit, celebrate my life, and other significant occurrences.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Knit & Crochet

Monday, May 19, 2008
The Spifed-up version
Personalized Tattoos
My grandbaby

Saturday, May 17, 2008
The four legged children



I thought I'd like to put some of their pictures up since I'd done so with my "other" children.
Our Matriarch is Miss Sheila, she's a Heeler, or Queensland Heeler, or Cattle dog - blue. She is 13 yrs. old as of January.
The black Lab is Brewer, as in he'll drink your brew if you leave it unattended. Brewer is 11 yrs. old as of last November and our "Old Man".
Next is Rody, he's our only mix and my baby. He' getting a little gray now too. He's going to be 8 yrs. old in late October. We're both October babies. This dog is the vassal that carries my heart.
Entry Table
An old chair
#1 Noro Kureyon Bag

This is a bag that I have been having trouble getting the dowels for and then it took me forever to find the end pieces, the balls. I finally found them at JoAnne fabrics Etc. and they were only $.99. The dowel came from the local Home Depot.
I started out at the bottom using Plymouth Tweed, color 5319 on us8 needles and then I was at the local yarn shop, one of only two in about 150 miles, and saw the Noro Kureyon color 184 lot D. That was that!
I'm in love with this stuff. It's 100% wool, but it's hand died and the da__ things cost $8.50 each skein. I will buy more of those if I can find them. The other skeins of the same yarn, different color were $11 each, but I bought 3 of them that day and am still using them.
Anyway, since I'd started out using the us 8's I kept using them with the new color I added in, even though they called for a us 7. As you can see it turned out quite pretty. I wish I could have used only the 184 D, but there wasn't any more :(
It felted really well and I will do MUCH better with my next one.
Baby Blanket w/hats

Entertainment Center
I sanded it and then used some acetone to clean any remaining debri from the surface and make the minor repairs. Then I primed it and painted it. I did this with a "press board" hutch and china cabinet that I'd had for 15 or 16 years and even embleished it with some little ivy leaves. After I'd painted that one I used the same green paint that is on the walls of the livingroom and kind of washed it to appear aged, but with green. I turned out very well. I'd oringinally planned to do the same with this project, but it will be going to the new house and it's primary color is blue, so I left it simply "new'" off-white.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The S.O.

My Babies

This is my baby, Erica :) She's the Mommy of my only grand son, at this time. :)
The picture of the young man I'm hugging is my Son, Jacques. He's the one that will be a new parent this year, the Lord & Lady willing.
I'm very proud of my children and I really think all parents are. I don't know what I did right, but I'm glad that I did it. Truthfully, I think it was their genetics so in all fairness I can't take credit for it even if I did raise them alone. Widowed.
As you can see by the other pic, they really are Spider Man nuts. Jacques got those shirts in August of 07 while he was here on vacation at Universal Stuidios in Orlando, FL.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My First Blog

This is the light of my Noni-hood. My first grandchild. I have to say that he has brought me more joy than I could have imagined.
You know here in Fl, you see those bumper stickers that say, "If I'd known being a grandparent was so much fun, I'd have done it first" ? Well now I know what they were talking about. He is my youngest child, my daughter's, first and only born.
My son has decided to get in on the action and I'm very much looking forward to all of the wonderful knitting I'm going to be able to do. I'm so excited that I've already started.
I completed my first baby blanket for the newest member of the family even before we know the sex of the child. The parents-to-be don't really don't care what the child is and I have to agree. My only motive for wanting to know is to enable me to pick applicable yarn colors - selfish I know :P
As far as the name of the Blog, The Blissful Knitter, the sweater that my grandson is wearing is my first "child" creation and, of course, it is too big, but that is a good thing with children because they grow like weeds, literally.
It was done on US8 straight needles and it's a basket weave. I love to collect patterns, but I've discovered something about myself. I collect a ridiculous amount of patterns and then graph my own creations with elements of the patterns. This was one such creation.
Originally it was to be just the blue you see, but when he and I went to get a little more to finish the project he decided he wanted the red you see in the picture. Soooo we ended up with Spider Man colors and since he and my Son are both SM freaks, that worked out just fine. all's well that ends well.
Well, this is the end of my first blog and I must say that I think my, My space, just died. This is so much more user friendly and it doesn't take four days to load when you have no choice except dial up because of where you live.