Well we went fishing on Saturday and I thought it would be one of those regular fishing days. Get there before daylight and find bait and go find some to fish, then cruse on home around 3 or 4 pm.
Well oddly enough ,very oddly, Robert didn't get up when the alarm went off. I woke up and it was daylight so I jumped up thinking I'd missed something, I just wasn't sure what. Then, of course, I remembered and he was still sleeping so I woke him up and asked if the alarm had gone off since it was 7 am. He said that it had and he'd decided to sleep in for another hour.
We got to the dock about 8 am and got on with it. All in all it was a beautiful day. There was rain in the distance, but not any for us :)
Robert even took Michael and I out to Egmont Key. The water around that island is the color of the water you always see depicted in the Bahamas also around Bradenton Beach which happens to be a great deal closer :)
All day long they couldn't seem to get lucky and I was happily getting a sun tan and finishing off a really good book and doing a little knitting while I was there sitting on my bum. It turned out to be a 13 hr. day and my poor bum, which is very short in the cushion department, was quite bruised from all of the bumps on the way to Egmont Key and then to the south end of the Skyway bridge and then to the center, where we finally got some civilized sized bait.
When Robert decided we would head for the dock it was almost dark, that put us at 12 hrs., and between where we were and the dock were some grass flats he was going to make a short stop at.
Low and behold that is were we finally hit pay dirt. A school of reds were moving along right behind us and right into our reach without any effort on our parts. Needless to say we caught 5 and kept 3, being as you can only keep one each. WOW! That was fun. I'd forgotten how much fun it is when you are "catching" instead of just "fishing"